Trans port

To ensure speedy and efficient delivery, the Awadh RMC Concrete team will survey the site to ensure that the transit mixer trucks will have unimpaired access to the site. Among the factors they will consider are:

  • The access road and ground condition up to the discharge point should be safe and good enough for heavy vehicles.
  • Sufficient turning space should be provided for the transit mixer to access and leave the delivery point.
  • The distances, heights and clearances should be sufficient for moving the equipment.

Pumping Concrete

Pumping is one of the most efficient means of pouring concrete. In many situations-such as in high rise buildings – pumping is the only viable option. At other times, the ease and speed of pumping concrete makes it the most economical method of pouring concrete.

Get concrete pumping services with Awadh rmc

Pumping is one of the most efficient means of pouring concrete. In many situations-such as in high rise buildings – pumping is the only viable option. At other times, the ease and speed of pumping concrete makes it the most economical method of pouring concrete pumping services.

At Awadh RMC LLP a concrete pumping services company, we take pride in being a one stop shop not only in supplying Ready Mix Concrete but also providing end to end concrete pumping services solutions. Our most important service as offered is concrete pumping which is used in construction sites where it is tough to place concrete in a specific area. This service is meant to assist you place concrete in your construction site in a faster, accurate, and safer manner.

Awadh RMC LLP a concrete pumping services provider provides cost effective and highly efficient concrete pumping solutions with the help of latest equipment that provides smooth concrete pumping services solutions. Our concrete pumping services fleet consists of boom pumps as well as line pumps so as to be able to meet the specifications of many projects. Whether you are engaged in residential construction, commercial construction or building infrastructure work, our concrete pumping services are formulated to help enhance your construction plan.

Benefits of Concrete Pumping with Awadh RMC

  • Efficiency: Where there are time constraints, pumping concrete saves a lot of time used in placing the concrete pumping services, but with the same efficiency.
  • Precision: Our concrete pumping services can place the concrete with much accuracy eliminating wastage of concrete and placing the concrete where it is required.
  • Safety: The use of concrete pumping services also means that the amount of handling done manually is minimal making the risk of accidents on the site small.
  • Accessibility: Due to their mobility, our pumps can access such difficult to reach points, especially in high rise constructions or construction sites that have small spaces for construction or complicated construction plans.
  • Quality Control: To achieve this, the nature of the concrete pumping services must be upheld at all the stages of the pumping in order to retain its value and strength right from the mixing point to the intended place of discharge.

Why Choose Awadh RMC for concrete pumping services?

At Awadh RMC, we specialize in providing concrete pumping services solutions by using latest technology and experience to provide you the best customized suitable solution according to your project requirements. Our trained team of experts shall ensure that you have the desired outcome right from the time of planning up to the time of pouring.

We also realize that every project is different and therefore seeks to give solutions that enable you to overcome the challenges effectively. Thus when it comes to concrete pumping services you will get the best from Awadh RMC since we will always ensure that quality, safety and satisfaction are our topmost priorities.

Contact Awadh RMC LLP for concrete pumping services that will help in the achievement of the desired construction tasks and projects regardless of their level of difficulty.