[This Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (“the CSR Policy”) has been framed by AWADH RMC  on 19th March 2020 in accordance with the Section 135, Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 and CSR Rules issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs]

Company Philosophy on Social Responsibility:

The Companies Act, 2013 has formally introduced the Corporate Social Responsibility to the dashboard of the Indian Companies. AWADH RMC appreciates the decision taken by the Government of India. Legal framework of CSR is an edge to Corporate Charitable/reformative approach towards the Society to which the Corporate belongs to. By introducing the separate section for CSR in Companies Act, 2013, the Government has given legal recognition to their community development approach. The management of AWADH RMC expresses its willingness and support to the CSR concept, its legal framework and shall be abided by it. We feel this will instil a sense of responsibility towards Society among our Employees

Corporate Social Responsibility Committee:

The Company has constituted Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (“the Committee”) comprising of following three Directors namely:

1. Mr. Chairman
2. Mr. – Member
3. Mr. – Member

The Board of Directors of the Company may re-constitute the Committee, as and when required. As per, rules, regulations, notifications issued or to be issued, from time to time, by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The Committee shall exercise powers and perform the functions assigned to it by the Board of Directors of the Company pursuant to section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and CSR Rules notified with regard thereto.

CSR Activities:

Pursuant to Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013, the Committee has approved the following activities as “CSR Activities” to be undertaken under the CSR policy of the Company. The Board of Directors has reviewed the said activities and expressed its consent to the Committee to pursue the said activities under CSR policy of the Company under section 135 of the Companies Act, 2014, Schedule VII and other applicable rules, regulations, notifications etc., issued/to be issued from time to time.

Approved CSR Activities are as follows:
  • Eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition, promoting health care including preventive health care and sanitation including contribution to the Swach Bharat Kosh set-up by the Central Government for the promotion of sanitation and making available safe drinking water.
  • Promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly and the differently-abled and livelihood enhancement projects.
  • Promoting gender equality, empowering women, setting up homes and hostels for women and orphans; setting up old age homes, day care centres and such other facilities for senior citizens and measures for reducing inequalities faced by socially and economically backward groups.
  • Ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna, animal welfare, agroforestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining quality of soil, air and water including contribution to the Clean Ganga Fund set-up by the Central Government for rejuvenation of river Ganga.
  • Protection of national heritage, art and culture including restoration of buildings and sites of historical importance and works of art; setting up public libraries; promotion and development of traditional art and handicrafts;
  • Measures for the benefit of armed forces veterans, war widows and their dependents;
  • Training to promote rural sports, nationally recognised sports, paralympic sports and olympic sports
  • Contribution to the prime minister’s national relief fund or any other fund set up by the central govt. for socio economic development and relief and welfare of the schedule caste, tribes, other backward classes, minorities and women.
  • Contribution to incubators funded by Central Government or State Government or any agency or Public Sector Undertaking of Central Government or State Government, and contributions to public funded Universities, Indian Institute of Technology (IITs), National Laboratories and Autonomous Bodies (established under the auspices of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology) engaged in conducting research in science, technology, engineering and medicine aimed at promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Rural development projects.
  • Contribution towards development and or funds set up for POLICE service in any state.
  • Slum area development.
  • Disaster management, including relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities.
  • Out of the Activity described above, the Company has launched Project PEUSC (Promoting Education for Underprivileged School Children). PEUSC provides essential supports to the Government schools where children from deprived sections of our society are enrolled, for the promotion of education initiatives. We will also create a platform where employees directly interact with the children in these schools and contribute to society directly. Till March 22, forty three schools close our plants have been covered under the scheme.
Budget for CSR Activity& CSR Expenses:

The Company shall allocate the budget for CSR activities. The minimum budgeted amount for a financial year shall be 2% of the average net profit of three immediate preceding financial years. The Company may allocate more fund/amount than the amount prescribed under section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013, for the CSR activities for any financial year. The Committee shall calculate the total fund for the CSR activities and recommend to the Board for the approval. The Board shall approve the total fund to be utilized for CSR activity for respective financial year. CSR expenditure shall include all expenditure including contribution to corpus for projects or programs relating to CSR activities approved by the Board on the recommendation of its CSR Committee, but does not include any expenditure on an item not in conformity or not in line with activities which fall within the approved CSR activities.

Identification of activities/projects:

Out of approved CSR activities, the Committee shall decide which activity/project should be given priority for the respective financial year. While arriving at the decision of the activity to be undertaken for the respective year, the Committee shall analyse the basic need of the community/ area in which the Organisation operates or at the place where its registered office is situated. The Committee shall record its findings and prioritised the CSR activities.

Implementation process:

After prioritizing the activity the Committee shall finalise the detail implementation project / programme, including planning for expenses against the total budget allocated for CSR activities.

Monitoring by the Board:

The Board of Directors shall constantly monitor the implementation of the CSR activities. The CSR committee shall place a progress report, including details of expenses, before the Board on quarterly basis. The Board shall review the same and suggest recommendation, if any, to the committee with regard to implementation process.

Management Commitment:

Our Board of Directors, our Management and all of our employees subscribe to the philosophy of compassionate care. We believe and act on an ethos of generosity and compassion, characterized by a willingness to build a society that works for everyone. This is the cornerstone of our CSR policy. Our Corporate Social Responsibility policy conforms to the relevant section of the Corporate Social Responsibility, Rules made under Companies Act, 2013 and amendment(s) to be made thereto in future.